Increase Your Profits
Business Improvement Seminars
Creating Cash For Your Business
Making money by optimizing your retail performance. Most retailers know about tracking daily sales. It’s the measure of success versus last year, or last month. But did you know that analyzing best-selling styles and inventory turnover on a monthly basis could increase your bottom line profits by 1 point in less than 6 months?
This seminar focuses on:
- Teaching independent retailers how to use key retail analytics and benchmarks to drive profit margins and improve their performance.
- Helping retailers of all size learn how to maximize the profit (and cash) that can and should be generated thru the business.
- Learning how to analyze like industry businesses in order to improve performance.
Attend this session and you will learn how simple changes in how you analyze your business can lead to big profit improvements for your store.
Stagnating Sales in Your Store?
Turn the Tide Today
Have you hit a plateau with your retail sales that you cannot seem to break thru? Is it getting more challenging to maintain sales and profits each year and you don’t know what to do about it?
If you answered yes, then you must join us for this business building seminar where you’ll learn creative ways in every area of your business to make small changes that can have a big impact on your bottom line including:
- Learning about inventory planning techniques that won’t cost you a cent but can help you save thousands on your annual purchases.
- Learning how to use no-cost or low-cost marketing techniques that can reach your customers and drive sales today and in the future.
- Sharing tools to help you measure the success of all your marketing efforts to determine if they should be repeated.
Wowing Customers and Winning Dollars
How to Differentiate Your Store from the Big Boxes and Get Customers into Your Store
The stakes of doing business get higher every day as retailers’ vie to win the eyes, ears and wallets of customers for their stores. The Internet has made price almost completely transparent and independent retailers are constantly challenged to find new and unique merchandise that the big box stores down the street don’t carry to make this happen.
This seminar explores how independent retailers can find merchandise to meet their customers’ needs while
differentiating themselves from other stores – no matter what size they are. Attendees will learn how successful retailers can compete more effectively with the big box stores down the street by incorporating key tools including:
- How to follow market trends in order to adapt to the changing market conditions
- Understanding how to create a “market-of-one” shopper experience in your store with your marketing programs that will connect more effectively with your customers.
- And much more. Join us today.
How Much Is Your Business Worth?
Tips and Tactics to Improve the Value of Your Retail Business
This seminar will delve into the key areas that a business must evaluate when it’s looking to change ownership and give you the tools, tips and tactics to help you prepare for this transition time period. We will focus on teaching independent retailers how to use key retail analytics and benchmarks to drive profit margins and improve their performance with the ultimate end goal of the business in mind.
We’ll help you determine what the 5 critical factors in determining the value of a business and we will help you with tactics to help you improve performance in these areas if it is failing.
We will also help retail business owners understand how to set up a time-line and exit plan for the business that will improve the value based on meeting goals and benchmarks for performance.
Attend this session and you will learn how simple changes in how you create more value for business today, and when you want to sell it.
Involve Your Customers - Increase Your Sales
Using Multi-Channel Marketing to Engage Customers with Your Business
Today’s consumers are getting messages about brands from more sources than ever before, both offline and online. Ask yourself where customers are getting messages about your business?
If the answer is from a static website or a regular newspaper feature, this seminar is for you. In this seminar we’ll explore how retailers of all size are using multiple channels to distribute messages about their stores including:
• How retailers can Incorporate Online And Mobile Technology Tools Into Marketing Programs
• How to Use Mobile Technology To Better Serve your Customers
• Learning to use Google To Run location based Search Ads
• How to Create offers, discounts and Coupons that will drive sales to your retail store
Join us today and spread the word about your retail business in new channels starting tomorrow.
The Tools You Need To Succeed In 2017
Tracking your Business Health in 30 Minutes a Week
Retailers today are pressed like never before. More to do with less people to do it is the norm across many retail store landscapes. So how can you (and should you) take some critical time each week to insure that your efforts are paying off and that your business is on the right track to sales and profitability this year and every year.
This seminar offers a plan for retailers to review, repair and re-strategize their business each week based on a 30 minute business review plan. We’ll share how taking the time to track key elements in your business can actually save you money and improve your performance - in 30 minutes! Join us and learn why 30 minutes of review can save you hours of heartache later for your retail business.
Shopping Isn’t What It Used To Be
New Consumer Tools Require New Selling Rules
Todays’ consumers have more options than ever on where to shop – and more than 50% of all shoppers are doing research before heading to a store or to a website to make their purchases.
As consumers become more sophisticated in their approach to shopping, retailers must change how they market their business in order to attract these educated customers. Best in class retailers understand that they must create a more engaged in-store selling approach when customers walk in their front doors, or shop at their online businesses.
This seminar will focus on helping independent retailers understand the tools that todays’ consumers are using during the shopping experience and offer retailers ways to train sales associates to work with these tools and to sell the features and benefits for an immediate purchase. The session will focus on helping retailers learn how consumers are researching brands today and help them understand how to create sales approaches that turn browsers into buyers and help create brand loyal customers for years to come.
What Does It Take To Make Them Buy?
Key Lessons on Generating Business by Generation
This seminar will help attendees understand today’s changing consumer landscape of 2016 and beyond. Delving in to uncover consumer purchasing motivation and shopping patterns by generation, this session will explore critical business factors including how and why consumers spend money today, how and where consumers “listen” to messages about brands and how your retail business can engage customers more effectively in order to produce and deliver the best products and services in the marketplace.
Walk away with a better understanding of what motivates each generation of consumers to spend money today so that your business can deliver the best in class products to the retailers selling them.
Planning for your Retail Business to Profit
The changing consumer marketplace has put increased pressure on retailers and manufactures alike. Successful retail manufacturers and retailers understand that it can’t be “business as usual” in order to deliver sales and profits. Constant innovation and efficiency improvements must be made in all areas of the business to deliver bottom line results.
In today’s retail marketplace, the success of your retail business depends on how you interpret the change in both consumer and businesses trends and how you plan for your business to succeed by constantly improving the efficiency of your business.
This seminar will help you focus on how your business must plan to succeed in 2017 and beyond.
Learn how planning more effectively can help your business to:
- Deal with Increased Competition from Brick and Mortar and E-Commerce Stores
- Better align the product assortment to better meet shifts in consumer recreational activities
- Improve your overall productivity and efficiency
- Embrace change and implement fresh ideas, by better understanding emerging trends.
Retail Ready Educational Sessions for 2017
To be successful in the fast-paced, constantly changing world of retail today, retailers (and those who sell/service them) must continue to focus on a deeper understanding of the changing needs of consumers, their needs and the retail world around them. This learning will be critical for every retailers’ continued success in 2017 and beyond.
What does it mean to be Retail-ready in 2017 and beyond?
We all know that retail is changing, but the question is how is your Retail business preparing for it today? Join us for this very important session where we will discuss the key trends in the world of changing retail today and how your company can and must, evaluate, assess and ultimately decide to implement key critical new processes and programs in order to stay ahead of your competitors, and provide a better shopping experience for your customers.
In this session, we’ll discuss what is happening in the world of retail and what your sales organization must do (and share with the retailers you sell to) to connect with customers in 2017 and beyond.
Counting Pennies...Saving Dollars… Learn how – Starting now
Tip, Tricks and Tactics to improve the bottom line for your Retail Business
Attend this business building seminar and your business bottom line will thank you for years to come. Attendees will walk away with actionable bottom line improvement strategies including:
- Tips and tricks to save you money in every business area
- Learning how to improve your vendor relationships to improve your bottom line
- Leveraging Co-op marketing dollars
Service Sells….
Creating services that add value, create sales and inspire happy customers! Spending on goods will continue to lose ground to spending on services. Older generations are becoming more service, “do it for me”, and experience oriented and younger generations are more likely to approach goods, services and experiences as a
"must have" during a purchase experience.
It’s not just about free delivery any longer. Attend this session and learn how to create service offerings that produce sales – and more importantly – produce value for your customers that leads to long term brand loyalty.
Attendees will learn how to determine what customers’ value as a service and learn how best in class retailers are changing the minds, and hearts of customers by the services they offer in addition to the products theysell.
Data Delivers Results
Driving retail sales through your door via your customer data. What you should know – and how to use data to drive sales.
Large retailers know that dissecting and utilizing the customer data they have is the key to growing sales and increasing brand loyalty. The challenge today is that small businesses don’t feel the same. But change is coming and it’s your turn to find out how to use this powerful tool to improve your customer relationships and grow sales at the same time.
Attend this session and you’ll learn why and how Retail businesses of all size need to rely on data in order to get to know their customers and provide customized shopping experiences
Learn to Connect - Marketing to Boomers and Millennials
Unlock the key to Growth for your Retail Store
Retail will continue to be driven by the needs and preferences of two prominent generations: baby boomers and millennials. Attend this seminar and learn what marketing messages are most effective when connecting with these two groups.
Learn what tactics and tools are the ones that will resonate most effectively – and efficiently as you market your business to these demographics and how they will drive sales - and profits for your Retail business for years to come.